TripoCity is very pleased to announce that we have a new FREE tracking feature!
Initially, this will mean that we no longer need to call your drivers to check that they are either en-route or have arrived on-site, saving time and of course not interrupting your driver when he is driving!
Please could you ensure all your drivers click on the following link when they either leave the depot or have just finished their last job and are on the way to our pickup point?
They can also save this URL on their phone for future reference. (see below)
All the driver needs to do is input our job number and we are all set! It really is that simple.
Going forward we will look to develop this further so that customers are also able to see where their driver is. This will stop them continually calling the driver to see where they are!
We also plan to make this available to you, our supply partner, within our portal so that you too are able to track your drivers.
We look forward to your co-operation and support with this new feature and if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Follow the instructions below to add a shortcut to a website on the home screen of your iPad, iPhone, or Android devices.